Creating new generation buildings, built for generations to come
Seven: building together for the future
At Seven we work on the best possible buildings for people and the climate. We do not aim for the highest achievable now, but for the minimum required for the future. It is not without reason that the seventh generation after us is the dot on our horizon.
By collaborating with nature, instead of exploiting it, we contribute to healthy buildings, healthy residents and a healthy world. We do this with project-related consultancy and by sharing our knowledge with other construction professionals.
Consultancy on future-proof buildings
We consult with the design of affordable, future-proof buildings: energy efficient, ecological and with quality assurance.
Knowledge sharing for greater Impact
Together our impact is greater. That is why we share our knowledge and experience with the (construction) industry, among others through Knowledge Institute KERN.
Living and working comfortably, now and in the future
Since prehistoric times, people have built houses to protect themselves. Against the weather, wild animals or uninvited guests. Buildings still have that primary, prehistoric function. Often, however, without further added value for people and the climate. While buildings could and should be places that, thanks to a pleasant indoor climate and the right materials, are good and healthy for their users, for the climate and for future generations. Whether it is a home, a school, an office building or a sports hall.
But in the traditional construction world, quantity takes precedence over quality. Cheap materials and techniques lead to gigantic profits in the short term, at the expense of the health of users and of the climate. And so cheap also turns out to be expensive here.
However, together we can set the standard for future-proof (re)construction. By being critical, showing ambition, taking new paths and pushing the boundaries. This is how we achieve the best for ourselves and the world.
Our principles for more positive impact
Energy efficient through passive house
We apply the passive house principle in our consultancy. This makes our buildings so energy efficient that a standard heating and cooling system is not necessary, while the clean indoor air delivers comfort and health.
Pleasant, healthy and affordable living and working.
Healthy through principles of nature
We are inspired by and work together with nature. We do this with ecological materials that reduce the climate footprint and improve the indoor climate. But we also use techniques from nature to enhance the experience, for example with spatial and place conditions.
A biophilic design down to every fiber..
Certified, so quality guaranteed
All our projects receive international passive house certification. The experienced certifier not only checks the boxes, but also helps to optimize the design. This unites the latest state of technology with quality assurance.
You can be sure that you get what you pay for.

About Seven
We know it is possible: creating future-proof buildings with a positive impact on the climate, with a healthy and comfortable indoor climate and also affordable. With our building physics knowledge and years of experience, we advise architects and project developers, so that together we create the best building for its users and the climate. Our starting point is 'working together'.